Launch GraphOS Studio

Apollo Sandbox

Use Studio tools without an Apollo account

Apollo Sandbox is a special mode of Studio that helps with local development. Sandbox loads a running GraphQL server's via , instead of fetching published schemas from the Apollo .

Sandbox provides access to the following Studio features:

  • The Explorer
  • reference
  • Schema checks and diffs against registered graphs (for logged-in users)

You can use Sandbox offline and without an Apollo account. You also embed Sandbox on your own website.

Launch Sandbox

Overview video

Connecting to a GraphQL server

When you open Sandbox, it automatically attempts to connect to a GraphQL server running at http://localhost:4000. You can use the box at the top of the to change this URL to any local or remote GraphQL endpoint that's accessible by your browser:

Sandbox URL field

You can also change the default endpoint by providing a URL parameter.

To try out Sandbox with an example GraphQL API, you can set the URL to:

Schema diffs

If you log in to Studio from Sandbox, you can diff your Sandbox against any or monolith graph you have access to in the GraphOS .

From Sandbox, open the Schema Diff page from the left navigation panel. Then use the dropdown menus to select any accessible organization, graph, and to compare against:

Schema diff in Sandbox

If you're using Sandbox with a , this diff shows the as originally defined, not the generated that includes federation-specific s (such as Query._entities). You can view the generated from the page in Sandbox.

In addition to viewing the diff on this page, you can click Run a Check in the upper-right to run schema checks against the currently selected .

Schema checks

If you log in to Studio from Sandbox, you can run schema checks between your Sandbox and any graph you have access to in the Apollo .

Organization members with the Consumer role cannot run .

From Sandbox, open the Checks page from the left navigation panel:

Sandbox select variant for checks

Select any accessible organization, graph, and to check against and click Run a check. When the check completes, Sandbox displays a result summary:

Sandbox checks result

To view the result's full details in Studio, click Go to details.

Subgraph checks

You can run checks on s. If you're using Sandbox with a subgraph, you can use the subgraph dropdown to select which subgraph you want to check your changes against.

Sandbox subgraph check prompt

When you click Run a check, Sandbox first performs a build check using your local and the published schemas of your other subgraphs. If composition succeeds, Sandbox then performs checks as usual and displays the results of all checks. If composition fails, Sandbox does not perform operation checks and displays the composition error.

Sandbox subgraph check result

Offline Sandbox

You can use Sandbox without an internet connection if you're querying a graph running on localhost. To do so, open Sandbox in your browser at least once while connected to the internet. You can then use that browser to open Sandbox while offline.


Sandbox automatically reconnects whenever your internet connection is restored. When it does, it might display a notification that your Studio application version is stale by at least 24 hours. You can click the notification to update all of your browser's open Studio tabs to the latest version.

This notification indicates only that the Studio UI is out of date. Your Studio data is always kept up to date.

Operation collections in Sandbox

See this section.

URL parameters

You can provide URL parameters to Sandbox to customize its initial state on page load. This can help users get started with Sandbox more quickly when opening Sandbox from a link.

The following URL parameters are supported:

endpointThe URL of the GraphQL endpoint that Sandbox introspects and sends requests to. The default value is http://localhost:4000
documentA GraphQL operation to populate in the Explorer's editor on load.
variablesA serialized JSON object containing initial variable values to populate in the Explorer on load.
headersA serialized JSON object containing initial HTTP header values to populate in the Explorer on load.

For example, the following URL sets all supported parameters:

Example URL hello($name: String!) { hello(name: $name)}&variables={"name": "Sandbox User"}&headers={"Cache-Control": "no-cache"}

Note that for readability, the above URL is not URL-encoded. Most browsers automatically encode the URL for you, but it's a best practice to URL-encode parameter values before providing them to a user.

The example URL above opens Sandbox with the following initial state:

Sandbox with endpoint, document, and variables pre-populatedSandbox with headers pre-populated

Embedding Sandbox

You can embed Sandbox on your own website. This can be useful for interacting with a GraphQL endpoint in your development environment or an endpoint with CORS restrictions.


  1. Open Sandbox.
  2. Under the 's Settings tab, find Embed Sandbox and click Copy code snippet.

    The following dialog appears:

    Sandbox embed dialog
  3. In the dialog, use the tabs to select the code snippet for your use case:

    • Use React for React apps where you can npm install the @apollo/sandbox package.
    • Use JavaScript for non-React JavaScript apps where you can npm install the @apollo/sandbox package.
    • Use Built file on CDN to use Apollo's CDN-hosted embedded Sandbox.
  4. Click Copy to copy the snippet, then paste it into your html code.


The EmbeddedSandbox object takes an options object with the following structure (individual options are described below):

initialEndpoint: 'http://localhost:4000',
handleRequest: (endpointUrl, options) => {
return fetch(endpointUrl, {
headers: {
authorization: `token ${token}`
hideCookieToggle: true,

These are the optional options you can include in the object you pass to new EmbeddedSandbox:

Name /


The URL of the GraphQL endpoint that Sandbox introspects on initial load. Sandbox populates its pages using the obtained from this endpoint.

The default value is http://localhost:4000.

You should only pass non-production endpoints to Sandbox. Sandbox is powered by , and we recommend disabling introspection in production. To provide a "Sandbox-like" experience for production endpoints, we recommend using either a public variant or the embedded Explorer.


(url, options) => Promise

By default, the embedded Sandbox uses the fetch API to send requests from your webpage to your specified GraphQL endpoint. If you provide a custom handleRequest function, Sandbox uses it instead of fetch for all s.

You might want to do this if you need to include specific headers in every request made from your embedded Sandbox.



By default, the embedded Sandbox does not show the Include cookies toggle in its connection settings.

Set hideCookieToggle to false to enable users of your embedded Sandbox instance to toggle the Include cookes setting.



By default, the embedded Sandbox has a URL input box that is editable by users.

Set endpointIsEditable to false to prevent users of your embedded Sandbox instance from changing the endpoint URL.



You can set includeCookies to true if you instead want the Sandbox to pass { credentials: 'include' } for its requests.

If you pass the handleRequest option, this option is ignored.

Read more about the fetch API and credentials here.

This config option is deprecated in favor of using the Sandbox connection settings cookie toggle and setting the default value via initialState.includeCookies.



An object containing additional options related to the state of the embedded Sandbox on page load.

For supported subs, see initialState options.

initialState options

These are the s you can include in the initialState option you pass to new EmbeddedSandbox:

Name /


Set this value to true if you want the Sandbox to pass { credentials: 'include' } for its requests by default.

If you set hideCookieToggle to false, users can override this default setting with the Include cookies toggle. (By default, the embedded Sandbox does not show the Include cookies toggle in its connection settings.)

If you also pass the handleRequest option, this option is ignored.

Read more about the fetch API and credentials here.



A URI-encoded to populate in the Sandbox's editor on load.

If you omit this, the Sandbox initially loads an example query based on your .


intialState: {
document: `
query ExampleQuery {
books {


A URI-encoded, serialized object containing initial values to populate in the Sandbox on load.

If provided, these s should apply to the initial query you provide for document.


intialState: {
variables: {
userID: "abc123"


A URI-encoded, serialized object containing initial HTTP header values to populate in the Sandbox on load.


initialState: {
headers: {
authorization: "Bearer abc123";
collectionId & operationId


The ID of a collection, paired with an ID to populate in the Sandbox on load. You can find these values from a registered graph in Studio by clicking the ... menu next to an in the of that graph and selecting View operation details.


initialState: {
collectionId: 'abc1234',
operationId: 'xyz1234'


If true, the embedded Sandbox periodically polls your initialEndpoint for updates.

The default value is true.


initialState: {
pollForSchemaUpdates: false

Record<string, string>

Headers that are applied by default to every executed by the embedded Sandbox. Users can disable the application of these headers, but they can't modify their values.

The embedded Sandbox always includes these headers in its queries to your initialEndpoint.


initialState: {
sharedHeaders: {
authorization: "Bearer abc123";
GraphQL subscription support
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