Schema linter rules
This reference lists the rules that you can enforce with GraphOS schema linting, along with the code that GraphOS returns for each rule violation.
Naming rules
These rules enforce naming conventions. Rules are categorized by the part(s) of your schema that they correspond to.
Field names should always use camelCase
type User {FirstName: String! # PascalCase}
type User {firstName: String # camelCase}
A field's name should never start with any of the following verbs:
Most fields should not start with any verb, with the exception of Mutation
fields. For Mutation
fields, use a verb that more specifically describes the action being performed (such as create
, delete
, or edit
type Query {getUsers: [User!]!}
type Query {users: [User!]!}
These rules apply to all types that appear in a GraphQL schema, including:
- Objects
- Interfaces
- Inputs
- Enums
- Unions
All type names should use PascalCase
type streamingService { # camelCaseid: ID!}
type StreamingService { # PascalCaseid: ID!}
Type names should never use the prefix Type
type TypeBook {title: String!}
type Book {title: String!}
Type names should never use the suffix Type
type BookType {title: String!}
type Book {title: String!}
An object type's name should never use the prefix Object
type ObjectBook {title: String!}
type Book {title: String!}
An object type's name should never use the suffix Object
type BookObject {title: String!}
type Book {title: String!}
An interface type's name should never use the prefix Interface
interface InterfaceBook {title: Stringauthor: String}
interface Book {title: Stringauthor: String}
An interface type's name should never use the suffix Interface
interface BookInterface {title: Stringauthor: String}
interface Book {title: Stringauthor: String}
Inputs & arguments
A GraphQL argument's name should always use camelCase
type Mutation {createBlogPost(BlogPostContent: BlogPostContent!): Post # PascalCase}
type Mutation {createBlogPost(blogPostContent: BlogPostContent!): Post # camelCase}
An input type's name should always use the suffix Input
input BlogPostDetails {title: String!content: String!}
input BlogPostDetailsInput {title: String!content: String!}
Enum values should always use SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE
enum Amenity {public_park # snake_case}
An enum type's name should never use the prefix Enum
An enum type's name should never use the suffix Enum
If an enum type is used as an input argument, its name should use the suffix Input
enum Role {EDITORVIEWER}type Query {users(role: Role): [User!]!}
enum RoleInput {EDITORVIEWER}type Query {users(role: RoleInput): [User!]!}
If an enum is used as the return type of a non-input field, its name should not use the suffix Input
enum RoleInput {EDITORVIEWER}type Query {userRole(userId: ID!): RoleInput}
enum Role {EDITORVIEWER}type Query {userRole(userId: ID!): Role}
Directive names should always use camelCase
directive @SpecialField on FIELD_DEFINITION # PascalCase
directive @specialField on FIELD_DEFINITION # camelCase
Composition rulesSince 2.4
Composition rules are only available for graphs on federation version 2.4
or later. You can update a graph's version from its Settings page in GraphOS Studio.
These rules flag potential improvements to a supergraph schema composed of subgraph schemas.
Inconsistent elements
Indicates that an optional argument (of a field or directive definition) isn't present in all subgraphs and therefore won't be part of the supergraph.
type Product {id: ID!name: Stringprice(currency: Currency): Float}
type Product {id: ID!name: Stringprice(currency: Currency, taxIncluded: Boolean): Float}
type Product {id: ID!name: Stringprice(currency: Currency, taxIncluded: Boolean): Float}
type Product {id: ID!name: Stringprice(currency: Currency, taxIncluded: Boolean): Float}
Indicates that an argument type (of a field, input field, or directive definition) doesn't have the exact same type in all subgraphs, but that the types are compatible.
Two types are compatible if one is:
- a non-nullable version
- a list version
- a subtype
- or a combination of any of these
of the other.
type Product {id: ID!name: Stringprice(currency: Currency!): Float}enum Currency {USDEURGBPJPYAUDCAD}
type Product {id: ID!name: Stringprice(currency: Currency): Float}enum Currency {USDEURGBPJPYAUDCAD}
type Product {id: ID!name: Stringprice(currency: Currency!): Float}enum Currency {USDEURGBPJPYAUDCAD}
type Product {id: ID!name: Stringprice(currency: Currency!): Float}enum Currency {USDEURGBPJPYAUDCAD}
Indicates that a field doesn't have the exact same types in all subgraphs, but that the types are compatible.
Two types are compatible if one is:
- a non-nullable version
- a list version
- a subtype
- or a combination of any of these
of the other.
type Product {id: ID!name: Stringprice: Money}type Money {amount: Float!currency: Currency!}enum Currency {USDEURGBPJPYAUDCAD}
type Product {id: ID!name: Stringprice: Money!}type Money {amount: Float!currency: Currency!}enum Currency {USDEURGBPJPYAUDCAD}
type Product {id: ID!name: Stringprice: Money!}type Money {amount: Float!currency: Currency!}enum Currency {USDEURGBPJPYAUDCAD}
type Product {id: ID!name: Stringprice: Money!}type Money {amount: Float!currency: Currency!}enum Currency {USDEURGBPJPYAUDCAD}
Indicates that an argument definition (of a field, input field, or directive definition) has a default value in only some of the subgraphs that define the argument.
type Product {id: ID!name: Stringweight(kg: Float = 1.0): Float}
type Product {id: ID!name: Stringweight(kg: Float): Float}
type Product {id: ID!name: Stringweight(kg: Float = 1.0): Float}
type Product {id: ID!name: Stringweight(kg: Float = 1.0): Float}
Indicates that an element has a description in more than one subgraph, and the descriptions aren't equal.
"""A type representing a product."""type Product {id: ID!name: String}
"""An object representing a product."""type Product {id: ID!name: String}
"""A type representing a product."""type Product {id: ID!name: String}
"""A type representing a product."""type Product {id: ID!name: String}
Indicates that an object is declared as an entity (has a @key
) in only some of the subgraphs in which the object is defined.
type Product @key(fields: "id") {id: ID!name: String}
type Product {id: ID!stock: Int}
type Product @key(fields: "id") {id: ID!name: String}
type Product @key(fields: "id") {id: ID!stock: Int}
Indicates that a value of an enum type definition, that is only used as an input type, hasn't been merged into the supergraph because it's defined in only some of the subgraphs that declare the enum.
enum ProductStatus {AVAILABLESOLD_OUTBACK_ORDER}input ProductInput {name: String!status: ProductStatus!}
enum ProductStatus {AVAILABLESOLD_OUT}input ProductInput {name: String!status: ProductStatus!}
enum ProductStatus {AVAILABLESOLD_OUTBACK_ORDER}input ProductInput {name: String!status: ProductStatus!}
enum ProductStatus {AVAILABLESOLD_OUTBACK_ORDER}input ProductInput {name: String!status: ProductStatus!}
Indicates that a value of an enum type definition, that is only used as an output type or is unused, has been merged in the supergraph but is defined in only some of the subgraphs that declare the enum.
enum OrderStatus {CREATEDPROCESSINGCOMPLETED}type Order {name: String!status: OrderStatus!}
enum OrderStatus {CREATEDCOMPLETED}type Order {name: String!status: OrderStatus!}
enum OrderStatus {CREATEDPROCESSINGCOMPLETED}type Order {name: String!status: OrderStatus!}
enum OrderStatus {CREATEDPROCESSINGCOMPLETED}type Order {name: String!status: OrderStatus!}
Indicates that an executable directive definition is declared with inconsistent locations across subgraphs. (The supergraph schema then uses the intersection of all locations in the supergraph.)
directive @log(message: String!) on QUERY | FIELD
directive @log(message: String!) on FIELD
directive @log(message: String!) on QUERY | FIELD
directive @log(message: String!) on QUERY | FIELD
Indicates that an executable directive definition is declared in only some of the subgraphs.
directive @modify(field: String!) on FIELD
# 🦗🦗🦗
directive @modify(field: String!) on FIELD
directive @modify(field: String!) on FIELD
Indicates that an executable directive definition is marked repeatable in only some of the subgraphs and won't be repeatable in the supergraph.
directive @validateLength(max: Int!) repeatable on FIELD
directive @validateLength(max: Int!) on FIELD
directive @validateLength(max: Int!) repeatable on FIELD
directive @validateLength(max: Int!) repeatable on FIELD
Indicates that a field of an input object type definition is only defined in some of the subgraphs that declare the input object.
input ProductInput {name: Stringprice: Float}input OrderInput {product: ProductInput}
input ProductInput {name: String}input OrderInput {product: ProductInput}
input ProductInput {name: Stringprice: Float}input OrderInput {product: ProductInput}
input ProductInput {name: Stringprice: Float}input OrderInput {product: ProductInput}
Indicates that a field of an interface "value type" (has no @key
in any subgraph) isn't defined in all the subgraphs that declare the type.
interface Product {id: ID!name: Stringcost: Float}type DigitalProduct implements Product {id: ID!name: Stringcost: Floatsize: Int}
interface Product {id: ID!name: String# cost is not defined in the interface}type PhysicalProduct implements Product {id: ID!name: Stringcost: Floatweight: Float}
interface Product {id: ID!name: Stringcost: Float}type DigitalProduct implements Product {id: ID!name: Stringcost: Floatsize: Int}
interface Product {id: ID!name: Stringcost: Float}type PhysicalProduct implements Product {id: ID!name: Stringcost: Floatweight: Float}
A non-repeatable directive is applied to a schema element in different subgraphs but with arguments that are different.
type Product {id: ID!name: String}type Query {allProducts: [Product] @customDirective(orderBy: "name")}
type Product {id: ID!name: String}type Query {allProducts: [Product] @customDirective(orderBy: "price")}
type Product {id: ID!name: String}type Query {allProducts: [Product] @customDirective(orderBy: "name")}
type Product {id: ID!name: String}type Query {allProducts: [Product] @customDirective(orderBy: "name")}
Indicates that a field of an object "value type" (has no @key
in any subgraph) isn't defined in all the subgraphs that declare the type.
type Product {id: ID!name: Stringprice: Float}
type Product {id: ID!name: String}
type Product {id: ID!name: Stringprice: Float}
type Product {id: ID!name: Stringprice: Float}
Indicates that a @shareable field returns different sets of runtime types in the different subgraphs in which it's defined.
type Product {id: ID!name: Stringdetails: Details @shareable}type Details {size: String}
type Product {id: ID!name: Stringdetails: Details @shareable}type Details {weight: Float}
type Product {id: ID!name: Stringdetails: Details @shareable}type Details {size: String}
type Product {id: ID!name: Stringdetails: Details @shareable}type Details {size: String}
Indicates that an executable directive definition is declared with inconsistent locations across subgraphs. (The supergraph schema then uses the intersection of all locations in the supergraph.)
directive @customDirective(message: String!) on OBJECT | FIELD_DEFINITION
directive @customDirective(message: String!) on FIELD_DEFINITION
directive @customDirective(message: String!) on OBJECT | FIELD_DEFINITION
directive @customDirective(message: String!) on OBJECT | FIELD_DEFINITION
Indicates that a type system directive definition is marked repeatable in only some of the subgraphs that declare the directive and will be repeatable in the supergraph.
directive @customDirective on OBJECT
directive @customDirective repeatable on OBJECT
directive @customDirective repeatable on OBJECT
directive @customDirective repeatable on OBJECT
Indicates that a member of a union type definition is only defined in some of the subgraphs that declare the union.
type Product {id: ID!name: String}type Service {id: ID!description: String}union SearchResult = Product | Service
type Product {id: ID!name: String}union SearchResult = Product
type Product {id: ID!name: String}type Service {id: ID!description: String}union SearchResult = Product | Service
type Product {id: ID!name: String}type Service {id: ID!description: String}union SearchResult = Product | Service
Overridden and unused elements
Indicates a field with the @override directive no longer exists in a source subgraph, so the directive can be safely removed.
type Product @key(fields: "id") {id: ID!inStock: Boolean! @override(from: "Subgraph B")}
type Product @key(fields: "id") {id: ID!name: String!}
type Product @key(fields: "id") {id: ID!inStock: Boolean!}
type Product @key(fields: "id") {id: ID!name: String!}
Indicates that a field has been overridden by another subgraph. You should consider removing the overriden field to avoid confusion.
type Product @key(fields: "id") {id: ID!name: String!inStock: Boolean! @override(from: "Subgraph B")}
type Product @key(fields: "id") {id: ID!inStock: Boolean!}
type Product @key(fields: "id") {id: ID!name: String!}
type Product @key(fields: "id") {id: ID!inStock: Boolean!}
Indicates that an enum type is defined in some subgraphs but is unused (no field/argument references it). All values from subgraphs defining that enum will be included in the supergraph.
enum ProductStatus {AVAILABLESOLD_OUT}type Product {id: ID!name: String}
type Order {id: ID!product: Productstatus: String}
type Product {id: ID!name: Stringstatus: ProductStatus}
type Order {id: ID!product: Productstatus: ProductStatus}
Indicates that an issue was detected when composing custom directives.
Indicates a non-repeatable directive has been applied to a schema element in different subgraphs with different arguments and the arguments values were merged using the directive configured strategies.
type Product {id: ID!name: String}type Query {products: [Product] @customDirective(orderBy: ["name"])}
type Product {id: ID!name: String}type Query {products: [Product] @customDirective(orderBy: ["price"])}
type Product {id: ID!name: String}type Query {products: [Product] @customDirective(orderBy: ["name", "price"])}
type Product {id: ID!name: String}type Query {products: [Product] @customDirective(orderBy: ["name", "price"])}
Indicates that an executable directive definition is declared with no shared locations across subgraphs.
directive @log(message: String!) on QUERY
directive @log(message: String!) on FIELD
directive @log(message: String!) on QUERY | FIELD
directive @log(message: String!) on QUERY | FIELD
Indicates the source subgraph specified by @override
directive doesn't exist.
type Product @key(fields: "id") {id: ID!inStock: Boolean! @override(from: "Subgraph B")}
# Subgraph B doesn't exist
type Product @key(fields: "id") {id: ID!inStock: Boolean! @override(from: "Subgraph B")}
type Product @key(fields: "id") {id: ID!inStock: Boolean!}
Other rules
These rules define conventions for the entire schema and directive usage outside of composition.
These rules apply to the entire schema.
The schema linter raises this violation if it attempts to read a malformed GraphQL schema. Check your schema for any syntax errors.
Each element in the schema must include a description.
type User {username: String!}
"Represents a user"type User {"The user's username"username: String!}
Every type defined in a schema should be used at least once.
Unused types commonly appear after you refactor other parts of your schema. You should remove unused types to prevent confusion.
type SomeUnusedType { # Also fails the TYPE_SUFFIX rule!name: String!}type AnActuallyUsedType {name: String!}type Query {hello: String!title: AnActuallyUsedType}
type Book {title: String!}type Query {books: [Book!]!}
A GraphQL schema should never include definitions of GraphQL operations (such as queries and mutations).
type Query {users: [User!]!}query GetUsers {# Don't define operations in a schema documentusers {id}}
A subgraph schema should always provide owner contact details via the @contact
directive. Learn more.
directive @contact("Contact title of the subgraph owner"name: String!"URL where the subgraph's owner can be reached"url: String"Other relevant notes can be included here; supports markdown links"description: String) on SCHEMAextend schema@contact(name: "Products Team"url: ""description: "Send urgent issues to [#oncall](")
The @deprecated
directive should always include a reason
type Product {title: String @deprecatedname: String!}
type Product {title: String @deprecated(reason: "Use instead")name: String!}
The @tag
directive should always use an approved value for its name
argument. You specify approved values in GraphOS Studio.