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Error handling

Use to check if the server returned data:

val response = apolloClient.query(ExampleQuery()).execute()
if ( != null) {
println("The server returned data: ${}")
} else {
// an error happened, check response.exception for more details or just display a generic error
when (response.exception) {
is ApolloHttpException -> // do something with exception.statusCode
is ApolloNetworkException -> TODO()
is ApolloParseException -> TODO()
else -> // generic error

This is also true when calling toFlow() (e.g. with subscriptions) and watch() (with the normalized cache).

apolloClient.subscription(subscription).toFlow().collect { response ->
if ( != null) {
// handle data
} else {
// handle exceptions

If you prefer throwing, you can use dataOrThrow() to get a non-null data:

val data = apolloClient.query(ExampleQuery()).execute().dataOrThrow()
// data is non-null

Different types of errors

Whenever you execute a GraphQL with Apollo Kotlin (or any other GraphQL client), two high-level types of errors can occur:

  • Fetch errors: a GraphQL response wasn't received because an error occurred while communicating with your GraphQL server. This might be an SSL error, a socket error because your app is offline, or a 500 or any other HTTP error. When a fetch error occurs, no data is returned and response.exception is non-null.
  • GraphQL errors: a GraphQL response is received, and it contains a non-empty errors . This means the server wasn't able to completely process the query. The response might include partial data if the server was able to process some of the query.

Fetch errors

Fetch errors happen when it's impossible to fetch a GraphQL response. They can have a wide variety of causes (non-exhaustive list):

  • The app is offline or doesn't have access to the network.
  • A DNS error occurred, making it impossible to look up the host.
  • An SSL error occurred (e.g., the server certificate isn't trusted).
  • The connection was closed.
  • The server responded with a non-successful HTTP code.
  • The server didn't respond with valid JSON.
  • The response JSON doesn't satisfy the and cannot be parsed.
  • A request was specified as CacheOnly but the data wasn't cached.
  • And more...

You can display an error based on the exception in response.exception

GraphQL errors

GraphQL errors happen when a GraphQL response is successfully fetched but contains GraphQL errors. In that case, the response may contain partial data.

For example, the following query uses an invalid id to look up a Person:

query FilmAndPersonQuery {
film(id: "ZmlsbXM6MQ==") {
person(id: "badId") {

The server will return the following response:

"data": {
"film": {
"title": "A New Hope"
"person": null
"errors": [
"message": "Cannot find person with id 'badId'",
"path": ["person"]
} will be null:

// there was an error fetching data
println( // null
// read the error from response.errors
println(response.errors?.first()?.message) // "Cannot find person with id 'badId'"
// partial data is also returned
println( // "A New Hope"
// exception is null
println(response.exception) // null

This allows to display as much data as possible without having to do a new network round trip.

Because GraphQL models both errors and semantic nulls as nullable s, you must check errors to determine whether the is an error or a true null.

For an example, it is possible for a person to not have a starship:

"data": {
"person": {
"starship": null

In that case, starship is a true null and not an error.

Because making the difference between true nulls and errors is cumbersome, Apollo Kotlin offers a way to handle errors automatically at parsing time. s that are nullable only for error purposes can also be generated as non-null in Kotlin. Read "handling nullability" for more details.

GraphQL variables
Custom scalars
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